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Hangers Environmental Group

Make your money count!

Rowan Harding, Financial Adviser at Path Financial
Hawkley Village Hall Hawkley Hampshire GU33 6NA

Path’s Financial Adviser, Rowan Harding, will be one of two excellent speakers demonstrating how your money can have a significant impact on the environment. From your spending power in the shops to investing in funds, we are often unaware about how that money can be used to support activities that can be either positive or detrimental for the climate. It is sure to be a fascinating talk, and there will be advice specifically for those who have investments and want to ensure that they provide a return on our investment whilst not impacting the planet.


Greg Ford is an advisor at the NGOs Finance Watch, Positive Money Europe and the Climate Safe Lending Network, where he works on climate finance policy and on advocacy for a more environmentally and socially sustainable economy. He is also a Trustee at Pecan.

Rowan Harding is a Financial Advisor with over twenty-one years’ experience in the financial services sector and has a wealth of knowledge about ethical investments.