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Due Diligence Questionnaire

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      About You

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      Organisational Information

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      For Investment Managers


    About You

    About You

    First name:

    Last name:



    Organisation Information

    Organisation's name:

    Years trading:

    Companies House number:



    Other Memberships:


    Description of organisation:

    Please list c-suite/ key executives and their responsibilities and experience:

    Is there a contingency plan/ key-person insurance to ensure business continuity on the event of key executives?

    Do you have cyber-insurance and if so at what level of coverage?

    Do you have D&O insurance and if so what level of coverage?


    For investment managers

    If you are an investment manager please answer the following section. If you are not an investment manager, please scroll to the bottom and click submit.

    FCA Reference number (if applicable):

    Date of FCA authorisation:

    Please outline your ownership structure:

    Please articulate your investment philosophy with regard to ESG and Impact:

    Please outline your governance process e.g.:

    • Strategic asset allocation basis (if any)
    • Fund selection (committee)
    • Portfolio management (committee)
    • Investment management oversight
    • Degree of deviation allowed by individual fund managers from any core approach.
    • ESSG and impact measurement tools/ process.

    Please outline your research process:

    Do you take an absolute return approach or are you guided by peer-group indices or benchmarks?

    Do you use any derivatives?

    To what extent are in-house collectives used?

    Please detail what third-party research you have access to:

    How are portfolios monitored?

    Platform availability:

    Are all funds and securities daily-priced?

    Total funds under management (£m):


    As always with investments, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invest. This information should not be regarded as financial advice.

    Path Financial are leading ethical financial advisers based in the UK.

    The Path Financial Limited. Registered in England. Company No. 11583740. Registered office address: The Path Financial Limited, Watch Oak, Battle, TN33 0YD.

    Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Path Financial Limited is entered on the Financial Services Register under reference 827270.

    The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime, and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK.

    © 2024 The Path Financial Limited. All rights reserved.