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    Welcome to our Client Survey

    My name is Casey, and I am the Head of Client Onboarding here at Path Financial.

    Firstly, welcome to Path. We look forward to helping make your financial future the best it can be for you, your loved ones, all people and the planet.

    We are here to help you, so if you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact us. We will also be in regular contact with you via our newsletter and of course regular reviews with your advice team.

    I am always looking for ways we can improve our advice journey for new clients and understanding your thoughts on it would be invaluable to me.

    To that end I have created a short, easy to complete survey. I would be very grateful if you could spare 5 minutes to tell me about your experience.

    If you experience any issues with the survey or have any questions, please email me at or call 03330 503 300.


    1. From when I first made contact, I was happy with how long it took to have our initial conversation.

    Please provide details (optional)

    2. I was happy with the time it took for Path to provide me with their recommendations and implement the advice.

    Please provide details (optional)

    3. When I had questions, I received a response as promptly as I would have hoped.

    Please provide details (optional)

    4. I have no trouble getting hold of Path when I needed to.

    Please provide details (optional)


    5. I feel the advice I have received and the solutions I have been offered are good value for money.

    Please provide details (optional)

    6. I would recommend Path to friends, family and colleagues.

    7. I understand what services I am paying Path to provide me with, at outset and moving forward.

    8. I understand how Path collect their fees for initial advice and ongoing services.

    9. Whilst we sincerely hope you will never need to, do you know how to make a complaint regarding our advice or services?


    10. When I received Path's final recommendations, I did not feel pressured into making a quick decision.

    Please provide details (optional)

    11. I felt I was given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the advice provided to me.

    Please provide details (optional)

    12. I was kept informed of what was happening throughout the process.

    Please provide details (optional)

    13. I am happy that I understand the products I have been advised to set up, my responsibilities and the risks involved.

    Please provide details (optional)

    14. I understood all the documents (or electronic equivalents) I received from Path.

    Please provide details (optional)

    15. I was happy with the methods used to communicate with me.

    Please provide details (optional)

    16. When I visit Path's website, I find it informative and easy to find the information I am looking for.

    Please provide details (optional)

    17. I know how to access on-line resources my products come with, such as how to view my investments?

    Please provide details (optional)


    18. Overall, how satisfied are you with the services Path have provided you with to date (10 being extremely satisfied, 1 being not satisfied)?


    19. Are there any other comments you would like to make?

    If you are happy to provide your name, or have raised anything that will require a response, please do so here:
